Fingers typing on laptop

Most people never think about securing their smart phone and like many, just assume it is safe.

According to IDC (international data corporation) 90 million smartphone devices were shipped globally in the 1st quarter of 2012. Now 59% of the market share is commanded by android devices; turning your phone into a target for cyber criminals.

Statistics indicate that 1 in 100 apps contain malicious software due to loose security policies. With most people unaware of smartphone security, this gives hackers plenty of opportunity to make a lot of money, in a short space of time.

If you are hacked how can you tell?

Just to make life a little more tricky, there is no sure way to tell whether we have been targeted or not. But we can give you a few tips which could help you to spot a hacker attack.

Sudden charges added to your phone bill – You may just have been very social on your phone that month, or you may have been hacked. If you have been hacked, you will notice that your usage will be excessive due to the hacker taking over your phone to call and text premium numbers etc…

Battery drains quickly – you’ll notice your battery will drain quicker for many reasons, most of which is due to the transfer of large amounts data as a result of extra web browsing activity during the day. If you notice your battery draining unexpectedly, it could be hackers connecting to your phone via a Wi-Fi service.

Phone performs slowly – Your smart phone can slow down just like your computer does when it has a virus. This can be a sign that your smart phone has been targeted.

Increase in dropped calls – If an intruder is listening into your calls, you may find your calls drop out more often than they normally would.

How can we protect ourselves?

Here are a few tips to keep your smart phone off the radar.

Apps reviews/ratings – The more reviews/downloads an app has the better. Think of it as having been tried and tested by others.

Use Google play store– Google have added additional security called “Bounce security technology”, which scans all apps before they are published.

Install a third-party security solution. All of the major security software vendors now offer mobile security suites for Android devices which scan apps and app updates for known threats before you install them – sort of like the virus software we run on our computers.

Check your phone bill on a regular basis. If you see any mobile premium services that you don’t remember using, then call us on 1300 455 620 or contact us online and we will help you to block these services.

Don’t click on links sent to you from unknown sources via SMS or email. This may take you to a fake landing page designed to look like you have won a prize. However, you haven’t won a prize … they will use the page to extract personal information about you.

Protecting ourselves against such attacks may seem to be a waste of time, however, as more people become aware of the cyber threats that face us, we will be half way there to stopping these hackers in their tracks.

So, keep these tips in mind and let your family and friends know, so they can be cyber smart and safe too. Stay tuned and we will continue to keep you updated on any new developments to help you stay cyber safe.

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